
Terms of trade

last updated 5th of April 2022

About Crowdbook

Crowdbook ApS aims to help conference centers sell their meeting, conference and corporate event products, including conference rooms, catering and hotel rooms.

Crowdbook ApS offers a booking tool with an associated subdomain on, where conference centers can forward their website visitors and customers to put together their own offers and make bookings at the conference center.

Our Application, additional products and services are offered exclusively to business customers.


Application: Booking tool with associated subdomain on

Event Products: Meeting, conference and corporate event products, including conference rooms, catering, hotel rooms, and more.

Usage data: The type of data generated using the Application. Usage data contains Customer data, technical information and traffic information (operating system, browser type, keyboard language, IP address and the like) and aggregated Customer or user-generated data (duration of session, feedback).

Data Controller: The body that decides for what purposes and with what aids the processing of Personal Data may be carried out.

Data Processor: The body that processes Personal Data on behalf of the Data Controller.

Customer Data: Data belonging to the customer (or its users) and which is processed in the Application such as products, prices, number of conference rooms, hotel rooms and other data about the customer.

Personal information: Any information that can be related to an identified person, or data that can directly or indirectly identify a person.

These terms are valid from April 5, 2022 and supersede all previous versions.


1. Acceptance of subscription and conditions

1.1 These terms and conditions of purchase (hereinafter “Terms”) are accepted by signing the subscription agreement, which is handed out in connection with the start of the customer relationship, and applies between Crowdbook ApS, CVR number 42289086, Falkoner Alle 1-3, 3rd floor, 2000 Frederiksberg, hereinafter “Crowdbook” and you as a customer.

2. Crowdbook Subscription Terms

2.1 Our Application is offered exclusively to business customers, and our service is thus business to business.

2.2. If you represent a company that becomes a customer with us, you personally guarantee that you can legally accept these terms on behalf of the company.

2.3. We may change and update these Terms and Rights at any time. The applicable conditions will always be available on Use of the Application and / or our websites after a change of these terms is considered your acceptance of the changed terms.

3. Use of the Application

3.1. We give you a non-exclusive and time-limited right to use the Application. This right applies exclusively to you, and the Application may not be used by others or to perform data processing or services for others. You vouch for and have full responsibility for those to whom you grant access to the Application or who use your login.

3.2. You may not transfer your subscription to any third party without the written consent of Crowdbook.

4. Prices and payment terms

4.1. The prices applicable at any given time appear from Prices are stated exclusive of VAT and in Danish kroner (DKK). We reserve the right to change the composition, content and prices of products and subscriptions with notice by e-mail or by posting on

4.2. Unless otherwise expressly agreed or stated in the subscription conditions, the subscription amount will be charged prior to the selected subscription period.

5. Right of withdrawal

5.1. The application and additional products and services are offered exclusively digitally to businesses, and therefore there is no 14-day right of withdrawal.

6. Termination and subscription renewal

6.1. Termination must be made no later than 14 days before a new subscription period begins.

6.2. The subscription is automatically renewed at the end of the subscription period, unless termination has taken place.

6.3. You can contact at any time to have your account deleted. This will be considered as a termination of your subscription.

6.4. If an account is terminated or deleted during a subscription period, you are still obliged to pay for the Application until the subscription has expired. Your obligations under this agreement apply throughout the subscription period.

6.5. We reserve the right to terminate the subscription with 3 months notice.

6.6 If your payment has not been made, we reserve the right to temporarily close your account immediately after non-payment is registered until payment has taken place.

6.7. In the event of a material breach of these terms, we may terminate the subscription with immediate effect.

7. Transfer

7.1. We reserve the right to freely transfer our rights and obligations to you to a group company. We also have the right to use subcontractors, including i.e. for storage and processing of data.

8. Customer data

8.1 We as a provider are Data Controller with regard to Personal Inforamtion, which is uploaded by third parties in connection with the creation of their user and inquiry through the Application.

8.2 As a customer, you are the Data Controller with regard to any Personal Information that you upload and process in the Application. These terms and conditions have been entered into by a data processor agreement, to which reference is made with regard to additional conditions for the processing of Personal Data. Personal data for which we are responsible for processing is processed in accordance with our privacy policy.

8.3 As a Customer, you own your own data in the Application, ie. Customer data cf. definition above. We are entitled to store Customer Data after termination in order to use these in anonymised form for statistics and analysis of the Application.

8.4. We may use Usage Data to maintain, offer and develop additional services in Crowdbook, price the Application and market in accordance with legislation, provided the necessary security measures have been taken. In cases where Personal Information such as email address and IP address are included in this work, we must anonymize this data. If anonymisation is not possible due to technical or practical limitations, we must implement alternative compensatory security measures to ensure applicable law.

8.5. We may provide third parties and authorities with access to Customer Data, but only in accordance with the relevant data protection legislation in connection with judgments, regulatory claims, the customer's bankruptcy, death or the like.

9. The customer's access to own data

9.1. You have full access to your own account and data at all times.

9.2. Customer data is deleted or anonymised on an ongoing basis as the purpose for which it was collected is terminated.

9.3. If you have not been active in the service for 12 months, we will delete your data in accordance with data protection legislation. You will be notified by email one month before your data is deleted.

10. Updates and operational stability

10.1. We reserve the right to update and change the Application. In some cases, it may be necessary to block access to the Application and our websites while updates are being made. We strive for the highest possible operational stability for the Application, but do not guarantee this.

11. Customer's use of Crowdbook

11.1. You are solely responsible for the content and legality of your data and may not transmit or process malicious code, data or the like (such as viruses) to the software or with the software or use the software for illegal or malicious purposes.

11.2. You are solely responsible for the quality and accuracy of your Customer Data and your Event Products on the Application.

12. Responsibility

12.1. Crowdbook disclaims any liability in relation to these terms, services or use of the Application, whether this occurs in contract or out of contract, including for consequential damages or other indirect losses as well as losses incurred as a result of simple negligence.

12.2 Crowdbook is not responsible for breakdowns or temporary interruptions to the Application, power outages or internet connections, vandalism of the system (both physical as well as computer viruses and hacking) or other conditions and circumstances beyond Crowdbook's control. It can not be guaranteed that you can use downloaded files on any PC, and use will always presuppose that you are in possession of software that can open / read relevant files.

12.3 The maximum liability to the customer, regardless of the reason, can never exceed an amount corresponding to the customer's total payment of remuneration in one year for the use of the Application.

13.1. We own the copyright and own all intellectual property rights to the Application as well as all material on our websites and in the Application. All use requires our written consent.

13.2. No intellectual property rights in the Application or other material on the Website or the Application are transferred to you as a customer.

13.3. As a customer, you transfer neither copyright nor intellectual property rights to the material you or Crowdbook upload for you in the Application.

13.4. Crowdbook is free to use all material uploaded in the Application until the subscription expires.

14. Disputes

14.1. If a dispute arises between the customer and Crowdbook, the dispute must be settled in accordance with Danish law with the City Court in Copenhagen as the first instance